Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Jan 16, 2007 - POTD

What can I say? My hometown is very small. It's more of a community than a town. We have a few local stores but nothing too fancy but it's where I grew up and where I've lived most of my life. Here is a picture of the cluster of mailboxes of all my neighbors. I know all my neighbors and they have lived their all my life too. I built a house up on a hill close to my moms, grandparents, and great aunts house. I love to live here. I love that I know all my neighbors names. I love to feel like part of the neighborhood. It's not a subdivision by any stretch of the imagination but it is a place where we call home. A place you can play in the creek, run around in the woods, and take nature walks anytime you please. Whenever i drive up the hill to my house it just feels right.


Haleigh said...

Sounds like a fun place to live. We have to have locked mailboxes here. I like this shot a lot.

Rheagan Leatherwood said...

You are living my dream. That is what it is like where we want to build our house, but everyday the city is growing up around it.
Love the picture.